Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ba'al-ing Out: Fun Quotes from Life Today

The April 12th edition of Life Today featured Wallbuilders founder David Barton and former Fox News commentator Glenn Beck. During the third hour of the show, host James Robinson discussed the alleged "assaults" on values in our nation. Barton made his familiar claims, arguing that the founding fathers quoted the Bible extensively and that the Constitution was based on Biblical principles. For your reading pleasure, I'd like to share a few chuckle-worthy quotes from today's show.

At the 6:44 mark, James Robinson claimed that America was experiencing "an all-out assault" on values.
"Would you agree there's an all-out assault on faith, an all-out assault it seems on God, it seems on our founders, and even on the Constitution, an all-out assault on the family, on marriage, an all-out assault on life. We don't have the right to life anymore, we have the right to choose death, and literally not provide life to the most vulnerable, helpless being on the planet ... We've got an all-out assault on freedom, which includes the fertile field of opportunity, which God obviously wanted to take his people into, and we've experienced it in the free market."
At the 7:41 mark, Barton claimed that the Bible generates freedom wherever its principles are cultivates.
"The Bible produces freedom. Anywhere you take the Bible and use it in a civil nation, you will have a free nation. Real simple stuff. The Bible calls itself the law of liberty. You want liberty? Live by the scriptures."
Hilariously, Glenn Beck claimed that many people are unwittingly worshipping the Canaanite/Phoenician god Ba'al and "in bed with absolute evil" at the 10:52 mark.
"The one thing that the Lord has impressed on me in the last year is, like, most people don't know that God is waiting to do great miracle things with them, that they are going to do great good. I think most people don't know they're being used by evil. And some are. Some do know, but most people don't have any idea that they are in bed with absolute evil. It's not a Republican-Democrat thing. This is evil that is happening right now, and we have to call evil by its name, and I really think that we are a society globally that is now worshipping Ba'al. I think we are going right down that line ... We're not doing it consciously, but we are doing it. We are worshipping Ba'al, and it's a frightening realization that everything in the Bible is just a warning. 'Hey! See these patterns? Look at these spooky patterns. Don't do those things.' And we're doing them."
I'm used to hearing New Apostolic Reformation figures preach about pagan deities and demons, but this is the first time I've heard it from Glenn Beck. There's a first time for everything!

Hat tip to Right Wing Watch. To watch the episode, click here


  1. Wow. Thse folks live in a parallel universe or something. And I think all this would be absolutely hilarious if only so many people didn't take them seriously.

    1. Doug -- I do wonder whether Glenn Beck believes the whole Ba'al thing. As for Robinson and Barton, I'm convinced that they believe what they're saying, as do their followers. It's surreal that we live alongside such people in the 21st century.

  2. Talk about twisted! It is Beck and co.. who are assaulting American values with their crazy, distorted POV-- it really isn't funny. It would be sad if it weren't so dangerous

    1. Pink Packrat -- With Glenn Beck, you know it's bound to be strange, and yes, it's dangerous nonsense. Still, sometimes I have to laugh at this garbage so I don't cry.

  3. Gee, Ahab, why are you surprised at Beck's remarks? I thought all of us baby-killing, sodomizing, intolerant, Christian-persecuting atheists worshiped Ba'al. I mean, I have a shrine in my house to Ba'al, to which I bow and pray, with an inscription reading "In atheism we trust." :-p

    1. Wise Fool -- Really? I should show you my Asherah pole sometime. The craftsmanship is first class.

  4. "We've got an all-out assault on freedom, which includes the fertile field of opportunity, which God obviously wanted to take his people into, and we've experienced it in the free market."

    God wants predatory Capitalism? Funny, I don't remember that in the Bible.

    "Anywhere you take the Bible and use it in a civil nation, you will have a free nation"

    Unless you're gay, female, disabled, non-Christian, a witch, etc.

    1. Buffy -- Yeah, Barton forgot about the Bible's misogynist and homophobic passages.

  5. I have an Asherah pole too. It has batteries. Pretty sure there is a direct correlation to certain kinds of worship and less self-righteous fear-mongering. Endorphins make you happier.

    I'm sure God must have wanted predatory Capitalism. He was all for slavery.

    1. Prairie Nymph -- You are too funny! I don't think any of those three men would approve of THAT Asherah pole!

      The slavery comment was a bullseye!

  6. The Spirit that talks to Beck has just touched my heart such that I am compelled to confess: I am in bed with evil. He does it for me. Very skilled.

    Now you know.

    1. Cognitive Dissenter -- Once you've had evil, all other men seem feeble! :D


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