Thursday, March 27, 2014

Commentary Tidbits

Adipose Rex: Mostly I am yelling

Love, Joy, Feminism: World Vision and Gay Christians

Patrol Magazine: Evangelicalism is Shrinking Itself to Death

Alternet: I Knew Fred Phelps -- I'm Proud to Say He Hated Me

The Guardian: Fred Phelps doesn't deserve your grave dancing: Let's forgive and forget his hate

World Magazine: Set adrift: One prominent proponent of ‘biblical patriarchy’ destroyed his ministry with his transgressions

Warren Throckmorton: Former Executive Pastor Repents for Culture of Fear at Mars Hill Church

Warren Throckmorton: Mark Driscoll’s Sermons Keep Disappearing

Women's eNews: Hobby Lobby Case Could Deliver Women a Bitter Pill

RH Reality Check: This Is How Anti-Choice Brainwashing Starts


  1. Kudos to The Guadian for being the grown-up in the room--let's forgive and then (with emphasis) forget.

    1. Donna -- Those struggling for LGBTQ rights will be remembered by history, whereas people like Phelps will be but footnotes.


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