Friday, September 26, 2014

News Tidbits

Deseret News: Evangelical women face hurdles in race for leadership, study says 

The Advocate: New Homophobic Harlem Church Sign: Jesus 'Brim-stoned' Gays

Associated Press: Vatican accuses UN panel of sowing confusion 

Religion News Service: Pope Francis fires Paraguay bishop accused of covering up abuse

BBC News: South Africans intend to sue Nigerian evangelist TB Joshua over church collapse


  1. Just read this heartbreaking piece:

    1. Agi Tater -- Very heartbreaking. How can parents kick out they children and send them into street lives like that? No one should have to live on the streets. I'm relieved that services exist nowadays for LGBTQ homeless youth.

  2. Leave it to the Mormon Church owned paper to call out the Evangelicals sexist.


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